The Unity Chant

Upgrade your vibration with the divine light codes of Unity and Oneness

*The Unity Chant is official NAMAS YOUNIVERSITY study material

Everything is made of sound.

Everything has a unique melody.

By listening to The Unity Chant, you will infuse the melody of your being with the cosmic sound of Unity and Oneness – and purify your melody.

The Chant will cleanse your vibrational melody of what you need to let go of on the path to the New Earth.

Unity is a cosmic truth.

We are universal consciousness, so we are one.

This Chant, sung by Katharina Adari with the channeled energies of MOTHER MARY, allows you to experience Unity and Oneness and to absorb it deeply into yourself.

Not only will you be able to merge with this high vibration, but you will even be able to share it with others. You will radiate it to everyone you interact with.

In this way you will be doing an invaluable service to the Earth, to your soul and to all the cosmic helpers on our path to the New Earth.

Listen to The Unity Chant whenever you can. Before you meditate or practice yoga, in the evening to relax, when you want to unwind after a long day. Except when you are driving or doing other activities that require your full attention.

As you listen to The Unity Chant, the vibration of Unity and Oneness with everything will become an ever-greater part of your being and your activity on Earth.

Each time you listen, The Unity Chant will release lower vibrations within you that are ready to leave because they are no longer in alignment with your higher consciousness.

Your energy system will be embracing the cosmic truth of Unity and Oneness almost overnight.

This is what generations upon generations of spiritual seekers have aspired to, with great effort and discipline.

The Unity Chant will make it easy for you to enter this desirable state and experience what it means to live and work in the Unity and Oneness of All Being. Not just for a moment, but always – every minute of every day.

This is the beginning of an ascension that will be clearly felt by you.

The vibration of Unity and Oneness will make you a member of the fifth dimension and higher, once and for all.

We bow to you and your decision to purchase this healing chant. Listen to it every day, and the ultrahigh vibration of Unity and Oneness will become part of your nature.

In doing so, you will be rendering a priceless service to humanity and to AMAYA, our beloved planet Earth.

The SANAT KUMARA, for the United Heart of Shambala

The Unity Chant will be delivered to you via download on Digistore24. Download as a video is optional and included in the purchase price of EUR 39.60. To order and download the Unity Chant as an MP3 file, please click on the button below.

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