Healing Earth - Amaya's Song


Connect with the heart of MOTHER EARTH

HEALING EARTH is official NAMAS YOUNIVERSITY study material

This is The SANAT KUMARA. The third chant by Katharina for NAMAS YOUNIVERSITY is our masterpiece. We are happy that AMAYA can personally speak to you through her Song. AMAYA embodies your planet and its atmosphere. She is everything that belongs to your Mother Earth. She sings her song for you, to heal you. In doing so she heals herself.

By listening to this chant, you are connecting to her frequency and vibration. You connect with her heart. You become one with AMAYA.

AMAYA is your mother. You all are her children.
This chant dissolves separation.

The light language in this chart has infinite benefits.

  1. You are connecting with your Mother Earth.
  2. It helps you to heal by connecting you to its vibration and frequency.
  3. It helps you communicate directly with AMAYA.
  4. It helps you to live in the unity of all life on earth. It guides you back to living in unity with all life. You will intuitively learn what you can contribute to the healing of Mother Earth.

Everyone can contribute to her healing in ways small and large. As you get connected to her, you will also heal more and more. AMAYA will support you in your soul-guided tasks. She will become part of your Spiritual guidance. You will intuitively know what you need to change in your life in order to help her, and thus the whole planet.

You are carried by the realm of the Devas, which builds and dismantles everything you see around you. You connect with the Deva Kingdom and build a trusting relationship with them.

AMAYA is a Great Deva Being. She is the manager of what you call Nature. Connect your heart with hers, and heal yourself. With her vibration and frequency and connection to her heart, you become part of her again.”

Question to YESHUA:
“What does listening to the chant accomplish for those using it?”

“You instantly enter the frequency and vibration of AMAYA. This is the frequency and vibration of beauty, joy and abundance in Divine creation. It blossoms and blossoms. It is fluorescence, bursting into full bloom across a fractal.

You cannot thrive if you are not connected to the Earth. When you are connected to the Earth, you draw from the Infinite Divine Source. You are carried by it. This has implications for your purpose and implications for your incarnation vehicle (body).

Like all of Katharina’s chants, HEALING EARTH – AMAYA’S SONG has a long-term effect. Listen to it regularly, listen to it often. It uplifts you, in harmony with the Earth, to a different frequency and vibration, into higher dimensions, the New Earth.

It will give you a sense of confidence. It lifts you to levels and Dimensions in which you can accomplish your Soul’s tasks. It connects you with the Divine Fractal to which the Earth belongs. This is the fractal of Primordial Creation through the Divine Source. This is pure, Divine light. It helps to cleanse you of any darkness that is still within you.

Listen to the chant regularly. Layer by layer, it will do its releasing and uplifting work. You will break through barriers with sound, and gain new insights that are important to you. These insights will only be given to you once you have freed yourself from certain things. The healing chant will help you with this.

Mother AMAYA and your heart connect. Your shared heart is then united in God’s abundance, beauty and joy. Isn’t this a beautiful starting point for your journey ahead?

AMAYA carries in her heart: she who constantly overflows with joy and beauty in God’s creation and expresses the Divine. Become a part of her again, and thus, a part of this creation through the Divine Eternal Source.

HEALING EARTH will be delivered to you via download of a 3-minute MP3 audio file on Digistore24.

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